61+ Awesome WordPress Website Examples of All Time

wordpress website examples

Looking for some awesome WordPress website examples for your next blog? Don’t worry we got you.

With millions of sites relying on it, WordPress is the largest self-hosted website creation tool.

Many bloggers prefer WordPress but you might not know a lot of big brands using WordPress. We have compiled a list of some surprisingly big websites using WordPress.

61+ WordPress Website Examples

1. The Walt Disney Company

The Walt Disney Company is the leading producer of entertainment. They showcase their brand through WordPress. On the home page, the header merges with a large image and is very appealing to the eyes. Their site is easy to navigate and read.

2. Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man has a website running on WordPress. His elegant landing page filled with recent news and updates is presented on a black background. You can easily navigate through his site with the help of menu items.

3. Beyonce

Beyonce’s website is built on WordPress. Yes, you heard it right. Her site offers her biography, latest hits, news, and events calendar.

4. Sony Music

Sony Music displays an impressive collection of both local artist and international superstars. Their website features a vast catalog of songs and recordings.

5. Bata

Bata is a very reputed brand of shoes which serves millions of people every day. They use full-size images to showcase there brand.

6. The Obama Foundation

This website for President Obama’s Non-Profit Orangisation has a modern yet unique design. It has a collapsed menu on the left which open when you hover your mouse on it.

7. MTV News

With a simple white background and a lot of information, MTV News offers a modern and elegant website. As you scroll down you will see articles about all the recent news updates.

8. Variety

Updated every minute, Variety.com offers box office chartings, a credit database, film and tv production, and reviews. Even the top industry professionals depend on this site data sources.

9. Star Wars Blog

Star Wars is a legendary saga with a stunning WordPress site. The page has heavy content but is easy to navigate. Bright visuals and black background make this site very eye-catching. It has a sidebar that features all the infographics.

10. Van Heusen

Van Heusen is a clothing brand. They are most famous for their formal clothes. You can view their entire collection from the menu item at the top of the page.

11. The Knot Blog

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Started as a small blog, this website provides all the wedding news and inspiration. Owned by a team of husband and wife this website has a sophisticated look. As you scroll down everything is divided into categories for easy navigation.

12. BBC America

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Jointly owned by BBC Worldwide and AMC Networks, BBC America is digital cable network in the US. Doctor Who, Luther, Top Gear are some of the top treading shows on BBC. Different shows are displayed within list and links to watch.

13. Coca-Cola France

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Who hasn’t heard of Coca-Cola or who hasn’t tasted Coca-Cola? With a huge amount of market domination, Coca Cola France uses WordPress for their online presence. Their home page is filled with huge product images. As you scroll down you can see their recent marketing campaign and their blog.

14. Cure International

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CURE International provide surgical care to children with treatable conditions in underserved countries. With a presence in 16 countries, they use WordPress for all primary nontechnical administration.

15. Open NASA

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Although not every NASA site is powered by WordPress some of their sites that aim to help generate more transparency and participation use WordPress.

16. Facebook Newsroom

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Facebook is the largest social media channel. With their blue and white color scheme, Facebook newsroom provide latest news and announcements from Facebook. This blog is very easy to read because of its clean and minimal look.

17. CNN

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CNN uses WordPress to host their blog for breaking news and many on-air personalities. Divided into different categories this blog is your one-stop for all the recent news.

18. Katy Perry

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International singer Katy Perry is among many celebrities using WordPress for their site. This site provides a place for her fans to know more about her. She posts her tour dates, images, self-written notes etc here.

19. Angry Birds

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This is the official site of a popular game Angry Birds. Just like its game the website has fun visual graphics that grab users attention.

20. Vogue India

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Vogue.in is the Indian edition of the internationally known brand. It brings you the best of Indian fashion, beauty, and culture.

21. The Walking Dead-AMC

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Another entry on this list is one of AMC’s top-rated show, The Walking Dead. From latest updates to gossips and inside information, you get everything. They also have their own shop.

22. Marks & Spencer for Business

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Marks & Spencer is one of UK’s biggest brand. They choose WordPress CMS for their commercial site.

23. The New York Times Company

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This website is based on an American newspaper and gets a huge amount of traffic. With a dynamic homepage, they use a simple sophisticated style in all their pages. Their blog covers everything from arts to economics.

24. Mercedes-Benz

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Next entry on our list of WordPress website examples is Mercedes-Benz. The black background of the website makes a perfect backdrop for these luxury cars. The sliders move when you hover your mouse over it.

25. Snoop Dogg

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Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr aka Snoop Dogg has a content-rich website made from WordPress. With a black and blue theme, his site offers videos, music and other multimedia for all his fans.

26. Official Canadian Olympics Team

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The Canadian Olympics Committee shares stories about athletes and coaches to inspire all Canadians. Their homepage showcases their blog with large featured images. They have a collapsed side menu for page navigation.

27. TIME

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TIME is one of the largest media company in the world. It reaches more than 120 million people each month. They offer dynamic yet easy to navigate website to their audience.

28. Ovarian Cancer National Alliance

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The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance is a non-profit alliance with a national presence. They work towards creating awareness and helping women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. With a customized responsive theme they offer a simple informative website.

29. Harvard Law

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This blog allows students to sign up for free and create their own column. With its unique red and white color scheme this blog is exclusively available to anyone with an email address at harvard.edu, radcliffe.edu or hbs.edu

30. Mashable

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Mashable blog covers everything from entertainment to technology. Their content heavy site is segregated into different sections that you see on top of the page.

31. Ariana Grande

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This American actress and songwriter have a twist to her website. She usually puts her logo and images upside down. This has to be the most interesting approach. She has all her social media links and as you scroll down you can get all the recent updates and also shop her own merch.

32. eBay

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This international auction and shopping site using WordPress for its official blog. They provide different opinions and ideas. Their blog also offers information about companies progress.

33. NBC Sports

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NBC Sports use WordPress for their college football subsite. Just like many other big companies NBC Sports also opted for WordPress to power their site.

34. Analytica Projects

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Analytica Projects are the leaders in food quality control. They feature a very unique animated homepage that takes you through the quality assurance process as you scroll down.

35. Forbes

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Another amazing website in the best WordPress website examples is Forbes. This is the most reliable source for business and financial news. Their website shows live readers count on their articles. As you scroll down you will get different news articles distributed in different categories.

36. TED

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TED is a non-profit foundation that runs under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”. Their blog is a combination of short and powerful talks and spreading ideas. As you scroll down you can get all the latest and newest talks featured in a slider.

37. Courvoisier

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Courvoisier website is as classy as their product. They use sliders and a purple and gold color scheme throughout their website.

38. Get Unreal

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Unreal is a brand of chocolates and their website is as colorful as it can get. They use bright color scheme and an interactive animation. You will want to eat one just by looking at their website.

39. Wolverine Worldwide

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They are over billion dollars a year company and use WordPress to showcase their portfolio. Simple white background and larger than life images make their website experience enjoyable.

40. Charity Water

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Charity Water provides clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Their homepage features posts about their interns and also give an option to users for donations.

41. cPanel Blog

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cPanel is an online Linux-based hosting control panel. The cPanel blog shares tutorials, tips and news about the software.

42. Lollapalooza

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Lollapalooza is an annual music festival that uses WordPress to feature their website. Their website is everything a music festival should be colorful and vibrant. They provide information about their next tour dates, festivals line up, FAQs and more.

43. Tech Crunch

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Tech Crunch is dedicated to reviewing new internet products. They also cover some existing companies that are making an impact on the web space. Their website features a magazine layout with a unique timeline. Content is separated into major categories by navigation.

44. The Rolling Stone

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With an eye-popping landing page, their website has easy navigation to their youtube videos and blogs. You will be able to view their latest album as well as purchase it there and then.

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45. PlayStation.Blog

Playstation initially started with a simple blog, now this website displays the most amazing visuals you can think of. It is very hard to resist this stunning and informative blog.

46. Bloomberg Professional

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Bloomberg Professional offers insight and products updates. This site offers elegant layout by displaying their latest blog post in video background with short excerpts. Financial services professionals rely on it for best data and analytics.

47. Microsoft News Center

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Microsoft news center offers stories from Microsoft with events and community blog. They offer a simple and informative site to their audience. You can navigate to different pages with the help of menu and submenu items.

48. Boingo

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Boingo makes it easy to use wifi on any device. They have one the most simple and informative website of all time. Boingo’s website offers easy navigation and assistance.

49. Bates College

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With over 100,000 pages/posts and an interactive design, Bates.edu site is powered by WordPress

50. Rotary Club

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Many clubs prefer using WordPress as it is ideal for communicating to groups of people. The rotary club offers the most simplistic website with all the information for visitors including an events calendar.

51. Pulse

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Pulse by Target is a blog by a group of their team member who wants to share their experience of working at Target. They aim to provide you the feel for Target culture and experience.

52. Method

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Method is a manufacturer of environment-friendly skin care and home cleaning products. They have colorful background images with animation on their homepage.

53. Kylie Minogue

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Kylie Minogue is an Australian singer and actress. Like so many other celebrities she uses WordPress for her personal website. She offers her latest songs, videos and tour dates on her site.

54. Best Buy

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Best Buy uses WordPress for over 1050 local store blogs. Their blogs provide store location information, news and events announcements etc.

55. University of Maine

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The University of Maine offers an informative and eye-catching landing page. They have a flawless navigation menu, map and a calendar, all made on WordPress.

56. Global Voices

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Global Voices is a multilingual community of bloggers and human right activists. They have their content distributed not category wise but country wise. They aim to bring people together and build understanding across borders.

57. Blogilates

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Blogilates is a personal blog of Cassey Ho, a fitness entrepreneur. Her website features daily fitness challenges, her diet for healthy living on her blog. She also uses her website to sell fitness apparel.

58. 90 Days of Art

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90 Days of Art is an online art exhibit for charity. They showcase their works and allows people to buy art pieces and also donate. Their website has a simple design with a white background and very easy navigation.

59. Brian Smith

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Brain Smith is an award-winning photographer. He has placed a number of pictures in his portfolio. You can easily see the highlights of his work on the slider.

60. LA Times (Framework)

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LA Times is the largest metropolitan newspaper in circulation in the US. Interestingly they have a black homepage but all other pages have a white background. This combination of black and white works amazing and keeps the audience engaged.

61. Inter-Faith Housing Alliance

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Inter-Faith Housing Alliance is a non-profit organization that provides affordable housing opportunities to seniors and working families. They offer a clean and well-designed site making a great use of WordPress

62. Smitten Kitchen

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Smitten Kitchen is a food blog made using WordPress. A simple plain homepage with delicious food photography makes this website irresistible.


All the WordPress website examples listed above have a unique design. The possibilities with WordPress are endless.

Did any of these sites impress you to start your own? All you need is a domain name and hosting to have your website running. Go for managed WordPress hosting so that you don’t have to worry about technical aspects.

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