Why Should You Go for Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress Hosting

You should go for Managed WordPress hosting for stability, security, excellent customer support, and constant fantastic service. WordPress experts manage your hosting and optimize the server and platform in a way that WordPress performs at its optimum potential.

In this article, I will be sharing the benefit of managed WordPress hosting, and why you should go for it.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is the service where all your website hosting tasks will be taken care of by experienced WordPress professionals.

Some of the hosting companies just offer a server (a space on the internet) to store your website data online. While other hosting service providers offer some additional features that are crucial for your WordPress website performance.

These features include:

  • Security
  • Speed
  • Site performance
  • General site management
  • Support and Help

All these features and services offered by managed WordPress hosting take the website burden off your shoulders.

In a Nutshell:

The more features and services a hosting plan offers for your WordPress site, the more likely it is to be referred to as managed WordPress hosting.

Shared Vs Managed Hosting

The fight between Shared and Managed hosting is age-old.

Each hosting type has its dedicated supporters and criticizers. However, to give you a clear idea about both, we’ve compared Shared vs Managed hosting here:

#1 Shared Hosting

Shared web hosting, also referred to as Unmanaged hosting, is like an apartment building where different people live in different flats but share the same apartment.

Likewise, in shared hosting, many people share the same server which stores their website data separately, but the data is still is stored in and accessible through the same server.

The website typically gets a limited number of visits. In case, you cross the limit, your website may go offline.

So, if you think Shared web hosting would cost you cheaper than the managed one, in long run.

Think again!

Who can use Shared Hosting?

The beginners who have just started a blog don’t need managed web hosting. Regular web hosting is enough for them.

In case, you’re new to WordPress, here’s a complete guide to help you create an awesome WordPress blog.

Also, if you’re looking for inexpensive WordPress hosting, Shared web hosting can be an option for you.

Shared Web Hosting Highlights:

  • Manual updates with most hosts.
  • Backups and speed optimization -available through third-party plugins.
  • Enhanced security through third-party plugins.
  • No additional database optimization.
  • Works with a different platforms and website scripts.

#2 Managed Hosting

If shared web hosting is like an apartment, Managed hosting is like a penthouse with servants in every room.

In other words, in shared hosting, you get storage for your website data. While in Managed web hosting all the services including security, speed, uptime, and backups are managed by hosting service providers.

Moreover, the servers in the best WordPress hosting are optimized for scalability. It means, they’re capable of handling more traffic if required. This is something that is very important for growing businesses.

Managed Web Hosting Highlights:

  • Automatic site/WordPress updates.
  • Automatic daily/weekly backups.
  • WordPress optimized built-in security mechanisms.
  • Caching and CDN networks for built-in speed optimization.
  • Built-in database WordPress optimization.
  • Optimized server settings for WordPress.

Still, confused?

See the image below to what all you can expect from your Managed web hosting provider:

Top 10 Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

  1. Superior Support
  2. High Performance
  3. Complete Security
  4. Automated Backups
  5. Regular Updates
  6. 100% Uptime
  7. Proactive Monitoring
  8. Staging Envrionment
  9. Lower Operating Cost
  10. Scalaility and Flexibility

#1 Superior Support

WordPress is an open-source platform, and though the community is widely active, you may need emergency support.

Support is the top reason you should go for managed WordPress hosting. Managed WordPress host deals with only WordPress, or have a team dedicated to WordPress. Due to this, they become experts in WordPress and know to deal with even the rarest of issues.

At Breeze, the team deals with every Magento. Issues, bugs, errors, customers, speed, conversion — and the team spend the majority of the daily time in the Magento environment and community. Hence, they learn and knows more about Magento than any other shared hosting company. Our staff will never disappoint while talking about Magento.

Well, the same goes for WordPress.

Managed WordPress hosts live with WordPress and have one step above everyone when it comes to WordPress knowledge.

Moreover, managed WordPress shots comes with knowledgebase, support guides, and learning resources curated to the WordPress ecosystem.

Good managed WordPress hostings providers take support seriously. When you sign up for their services, you can reach out to them anytime. They will advise the most appropriate solution for your problem.

#2 Performance Oriented

In managed WordPress hosting, you get environments fine-tuned and optimized specifically for WordPress.

On shared hosting or DIY servers, you have to install a PHP server, a web server, PHP language, and a database. Then you have to optimize it so WordPress can run at its full potential. And all of that takes time, resources and developer help.

Managed WordPress, with years of experience in creating and optimising WordPress website, understand what elements to modify and optimize to load the website in seconds.

They automate and replicate the infrastructure, and then does manual configuration for each dedicated website, as per the requirement of the organisation.

When it comes to speed, caching plays a crucial role. In caching, the content is delivered from the saved files on browser, server or local network, instead of direct from the webserver. It cut down the latency time, and load the page in seconds. Managed WordPress hosting providers incorporate the server caching into their hosting – so you don’t have to do it.

Plus, the experts at the hosting company continuously optimize your WordPress site. Having a 2-second loading page for a day is not going to make much difference. The page should always load fast, during high traffic, low traffic, and even low network areas.

The hosting provider tracks the performance.

They use multiple monitoring tools to track the page speed and automate alerts in case the site load below a certain threshold. Their team take the issue in their hand and resolve it – keeping your site loading fast.

Moreover, many hosting providers have CDN integration, that helps the websites to deliver the content to users from the nearest data centre. Like, Breeze has a partnership with Cloudflare CDN, and all of our customers get enterprise CDN.

The speed of any software or program depends on the tech it is built on. WordPress is built on PHP and works with webservers and databases.

You get always updated and the latest tech for your site with managed hosting. The hosting providers check, run tests, and then deploy the updated tech to the program.

If your hosting provider is not providing PHP 7, MariaDB, NginX, and HTTP/2, then you need to re-evaluate your website performance. As your store is loading on outdated tech, it may not be loaded on its true potential.

Besides the tech-related to WordPress, managed hosting companies also take care of their servers and data centres. They only buy the best of the servers – like SSD servers with NVMe – and keep strict guidelines to ensure the server stays powerful.

They regularly do maintenance of their servers, patch up any bugs, and replace the ones with low performance.

Basically, a major responsibility of keeping your WordPress website fast is now the host’s responsibility.

Check out how Breeze keeps Magento store fast.

#3 High-end Security

Managed web hosting helps make your website hacker-proof. It adds multiple security layers to your WordPress site by continually scanning for malware, viruses, brute-force attacks, PHP code execution attacks, and blocking all hacking attempts.

Every day there are 1.7 million ransomware attacks, which means every second 19 ransomware attacks. Ransomware accounts for 10% of all breaches.

This sounds scary! Therefore, WordPress owners need to beware and rely on experienced professionals for their website security.

But with managed WordPress hosting, you get security prevention to secure your site, and in any unfortunate event, you get total support and cleaning.

In shared hosting, you are responsible to tighten the security of your site. As WordPress is open-source software, hackers typically exploit the known bugs to steal websites and admin privileges. The server itself is not very secure in dedicated hosting. If the site hosted on the same servers gets infected, your website also comes at a risk.

Besides losing your admin privileges, there are other ways the lack of secure infrastructure affect your business. Such as your IP can get blacklisted, and your email may end up in the SPAM folder.

At Breeze, we host each website on a different container. Each website gets its own firewall and security coverage. Even if one site gets infected, it will not hurt the other one in any way.

As managed hosting providers track the performance, they also monitor the security of the site. Multiple in-house tools and premium tools such as Sucuri and CloudFlare maintain the security of each website.

The support team gets the alert if anything out of the normal happens. The team quickly track the issue and isolate the website and server, after alerting the site admin. The recovery and cleaning begin, and the team also analyse the server if everything is fine.

Besides scheduling automatic scans, the team also manually check the website at regular intervals. Each and every update goes through rigorous security before deploying to the platform and clients.

WordPress is only as secure as you can make it. With managed WordPress hosting, you will save lots of time that goes into keeping the site secure. And mostly the stress and anxiety come with the unprotected website that you may lose your business anytime.

Prevention is always better than cure, and if you really think security is expensive, then you do not know how expensive and resource-consuming is cleaning a WordPress website.

You can install the best WordPress security plugins to prevent your site from hackers. But it can only save you from the general attacks. Not the advanced one running on the web.

If you are a small blogger and does not have traffic – you will be good. However, as the site grows, you need better security, hence better hosting.

#4 Automated Backups

Do you restore your website data manually every day? You don’t need to anymore! Managed WordPress hosts create a complete backup of your WordPress site, every day.

According to several studies, a large percentage of website owners don’t keep a backup.

Look at the picture here, and you’ll understand why they don’t:

However, when these businesses lose their data for some reason, they cry and shout but don’t get their precious data back.

There can be many reasons for data loss, such as:

  • Hardware failure
  • Power loss
  • Software failure
  • Data corruption
  • External security breaches
  • Accidental user error.

As Shared WordPress hosting doesn’t offer automated, daily backups, chances are, you can lose your precious data.

However, when you chose Managed WordPress hosting, you can easily restore your important data with the automated backups generated by these hosting providers.

This data can be restored in case you ever want to restore your site to an earlier point. No need to rely on a backup plugin and do it manually anymore!

P.S. Believe it or not, Data Backup is so important that you can’t ignore it. So, use a good backup plugin, or choose Managed WP hosting to stay safe!

#5 Regular Updates

A well-managed, best WordPress hosting plan offers easy, automated updates for core WordPress applications and plugins. And you should know, an up-to-date site is more secure, fast, and likely to rank better.

Not only WordPress core, and plugins, there is lots of technology involved in managing a website.

  • servers
  • operating system
  • caching technologies
  • coding languages
  • networking
  • hardware
  • infrastruture

To catch up with the increasing and changing demands of users, one has to keep the system updated.

Moreover, not all the releases are safe and compatible with each other.

Sometimes one software or program get new updates, but the other program working with it does not support the updated version, so you have to keep using the outdated version.

Sometimes, the new release is secure and developers have to pull it back.

All these updates and upgrades could be harmful and useful – but have to be applied with caution.

When you choose Managed web host, your provider would run auto-updates for you and actively monitor its impact on your site for better, smoother performance.

Usually, managed hosting providers audit the update on the black site and run several tests for a few days before making it available on their system.

At Breeze, our team thoroughly check every update before making it available to our clients, as it is our responsibility to protect their store from any harm.

#6 100% Uptime

Downtimes can be the worst nightmares. With the managed WordPress hosting service, you get a 99%-100% uptime guarantee.

Downtime costs you money. Each second your website is down, you are losing traffic, and potential customers.

What’s worse?

You are also losing credibility.

People visit your site and find it not loading – they are going to associate you with some 3rd grade spammy website. The first impression is critical.

Managed hosting providers press a lot on uptime. Their infrastructure is designed to support the website all the time. They regularly invest and update their services and hardware to prevent any outage and site from going down.

Quality hosting provider keeps the mirror of the website at several clouds. If something happens to one server, the other server keeps the website up and running.

The protective monitoring ensures the team knows when the site goes down, and take action if necessary. Most of the time the system automatically manage the site requests till the main server is fixed.

With shared hosting, like security, you are responsible for finding the downtime and asking your provider about it. They also have some form of system to prevent it, but they are not that strict about it.

The best hosting provider would check your website every now and then. Thus, help react to things that might impact your visitors.

#7 Proactive Monitoring

Proactive monitoring means no future disaster. This is one of the major benefits of managed server hosting.

In other words, the experts of managed WordPress hosting companies proactively detect irregularities and vulnerabilities in your WordPress site/server. It can later help safeguard your WordPress site from serious disruptions or problems.

Proactive Monitoring is not limited to your website though.

It also means managed hosting providers keeps an eye on the overall market.

  • What technologies are coming up that cna improve the WordPress performance?
  • Is there any tech they are usign that are vulnerable and outdated?
  • What cna be done to make the service better?

It’s completely team stuff to always make it better by always monitoring the ecosystem.

#8 Staging Environments

Most of the managed WordPress hosting providers also offer their users “Dev tools” such as staging area, SSH, Git, WP-CLI and version control, etc.

This feature that you get with managed hosting is great for developers and/or site managers.

A staging environment can be considered a perfect copy of your existing site, which is only accessible to you personally.

The staging site has an obscure URL and is super handy for testing out new changes before pushing those changes to your live WordPress site.

You can try new plugins and themes, or modify codes to see how they work, and whether they cause any downtime.

The image below shows how you can utilize the dev, test, and staging environments:

#9 Lower Operating Cost

Going for shared hosting means dealing with a lot of hidden costs.

You might need to hire database & system admins, WordPress developers, and other staff to manage your servers. However, going with a managed WordPress service eliminates these additional costs.

Free in open source is not meant for FREE of cost – but for FREEDOM. With managed WordPress hosting, your website would be under your control, however, the hosting is managed by a 3rd party. You are free to do lots of things, but then, you have to do lots of things.

If your focus is running your business, and not tinkering with the servers, cloud, management, monitoring, security, developers, staging and numerous nuances of hosting – you would be good with managed hosting.

Moreover, even the shared hosting, you are even less control over the hosting than you are with managed one. Unless you have your private server, you are not the owner of the hosting. You are always renting.

So if you have to rent, you should rent at a good place, where your business can thrive.

In a nutshell: If you hire a good hosting provider, you can save your money and invest in other processes of your business; eg. marketing, advertising, and building customer relationship etc.

#10 Flexibility & Scalability

Scalability is a critical aspect of any online business. If a post, advertisement, or activity drives more visitors to your WordPress site, this unexpected increase in traffic will require more resources.

As I said earlier, managed hosting provider used cloud technology to make the mirror of your website, use CDN to deliver the content of the site and apply caches to reduce the latency.

During the sales, or if your article or website goes viral, your website may get high traffic in a short period of time. if not scalable, your website will go down, and you will lose a lot of visibility.

Managed hosting is prepared for such circumstances, and also offers load testing.

Load testing is a way to conduct a test to determine how many concurrent users a site can take.

At Breeze, you can take a load test, and our team will help you with it.

For example: if your website uses a minimum of 100 MB of RAM. But at times when RAM usage increases, managed web hosting ensures that your RAM scales automatically based on the requirement.


Hosting is a critical part of any online business.

Make sure you choose a provider that takes care of your needs and offers fast, secure, and affordable services.

Picking the cheap hosting seems a good idea – as you have no traffic or sales, and you do not want to invest a lot in hosting.

But with shared hosting, you are paying for security, maintenance, uptime monitoring, and backups. And you will still need to take a look at hosting every day if you’re serious about the business.

With managed WordPress hosting, you can completely forget about the hosting and focus on the growth.

Managed WordPress hosting is worry-free hosting.

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