6 Types of Products in Magento 2

Types of Magento 2 Products

Magento is a powerful ecommerce platform. With it, you can create any type of store and sell any type of products.

In this quick article, we will learn different types of products you can create on Magento 2.

Type of Products in Magento 2

Different type of products in Magento 2 are:

  1. Simple Product
  2. Configurable Product
  3. Virtual Product
  4. Grouped Product
  5. Bundle Product
  6. Downloadable Product

#1 Simple Product

Simple Product type means simply a product. Each product has its SKU (Store Keeping Unit) code and is sold isolatedly. There are no variations and configurations to be done.

Simple Products are the most popular type of products For example: This toner sold by IzilBeauty:

SImple Porduct example izibeauty

#2 Configurable Product

The configurable products are a collection of multiple simple products. But each product is different in terms of color and size. A user has the option to configure and pick the product accordingly.

However, each product has a separate SKU code. For example: JadeBlue selling trousers of different sizes.

Jade Blue COnfigurable product

Case Study: See how we 2X loading speed of JadeBlue and improved conversion rate.

#3 Virtual Product

As the name suggests, virtual products are not visible and physical. These types of products in Magento 2 do not require any shipping or delivery. The product is a membership, subscription, warranty, and timely access.

For example:

Meetanshi selling Magento extensions. Magento extensions are physical products to advance the Magento platform capabilities.

Meetanshi Virutal product Types of products in Magento 2

#4 Grouped Product

In Grouped Products, similar products with some variations are sold together to save the shipping costs. You can also configure the minimum order quantity to ensure the shipping cost gets balanced. 

For example: 4 different scented soaps sold by Izilbeauty in a group.

Grouped product example

#5 Bundle Product

Bundle products are different from Grouped products. Bundle products include various Simple or Virtual products to sell together.

The products might be different from each other, yet have complementary use cases.

For example: Izilbeauty selling Body Cleaning & Clarifying Set with moisturizer, cream, and body mask.

Bundle Product example

#6 Downloadable Product

Downloadable products are the products that you can download once the payment is made. Like books, guides, vidoes, movies, softwares, files, templates and much more.

For example: Mageplaza is selling downloadable SMTP extension. 

Downloadable product example Mageplaza

Final Words

Magento makes ecommerce easier – if done right. With all the product types already inbuilt, a person can sell anything on it.

But as powerful as it is, Magento 2 requires a powerful hosting to support it. Breeze is Magento hosting platform to run, manage and scale Magento Store with ease. Developers tools, one click solutions and intuitive dashboard bring convenience to the Magento management – so you can sell more products.

In thai quick tutorial we learn different types of Magento 2 products platform has to offer. When you add a product select the right type to ensure the smooth configuration.

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