How to Install a Magento Theme in Magento 2 from Zip?

Install a Theme in Magento 2 from Zip

The Magento theme is the skin of your store, and it determines what your store looks like. 

Design plays a crucial role in ecommerce – it affects user’s perception, builds trust, and provides an easy to use flow to buy the product.

Magento 2 is a popular ecommerce platform, and there are many free extensions and themes you can use. The paid themes are also available at every pricing range.

But choose the theme wisely, as it is not only about design:

  • Fast loading speed
  • Customizations
  • Mobile optimized
  • SEO friendly
  • High quality code

However, in this quick article, I will show you how to install the theme from the zip file.

Install Magento Theme in Magento 2 from Zip

Follow the steps to install the Magento theme in Magento 2 from zip:

  1. Download the Theme
  2. Unzip the File
  3. Upload the Theme
  4. Run Commands
  5. Apply the Theme

Note: Always try out the theme on the Magento stage first. Learn more about staging.

#1 Download the Theme

Download the Magento theme you like. There are so many options, so do a thorough research to determine which one will work for you.

Install a Theme in Magento 2 from Zip

Then download it.

#2 Unzip the File

You will get the Zip file of the theme. Extract the zip file.

In some files, you will find the app and pub folders. In others, you will find only the app folder.

#3 Upload the Theme

Upload the theme files (app and pub folder) to the Magento 2 root directory. Using SFTP to connect to the server and transfer the file.

If you are on Breeze, please follow this step by step guide to connect to SFTP.

Upload theme file to the Magento with SFTP

#4 Run Commands

Connect to your store via SSH and navigate to the root directory.

Run the following command to upgrade the setup:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Deploy the static content by running the following command:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

#5 Apply the Theme

After the theme is uploaded, you have to apply the theme. To put it into action:

  • Login to the store admin panel
  • Select Content >> Configuration under Design

On the next page, you will find all the themes on the Magento store. Click ‘Edit’ the theme of the store you want to change.

Design Configuration

From the dropdown list, choose a new theme, then click on Save Configuration.

Select a Theme from Drop Down

Wrap Up

The look of an ecommerce store is important to build a brand and improve the conversion rate. When people find something attractive, they trust it quickly.

But the theme job is more than making your Magento store look good. If you feel the theme is not as expected as you thought, you can change it anytime.

Hopefully, the above tutorial can help you be able to install a theme from a zip file in Magento.

If there are any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment box.

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