How to Enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2?

How to Enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2

Are you looking to enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2?

Magento offers multiple store views by default. You can have different views according to the countries, currency and sales.

For example, if your store is global, you would like to show the different store view to the Italian customer and a different one to American customers.

But this is not always needed. Single store mode is more than enough for many Magento merchants.

What is Single Store Mode in Magento 2?

Magento is a powerful ecommerce platform, with many features to create a scalable ecommerce store.

One of the features is multiple views. With multiple views, you can build several views of the store with changes to show the different audience.

However, with many views comes the complexity to manage it all. And not every store needs it. A Magento store operating in English language does not need to create a separate store view.

Single Store Mode is the option to turn off all the store view options. If and when you create a store view, the setting will override the Single Store Mode setting.

How to enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2?

Follow the steps to enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2:

  1. Login to the Magento admin dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Stores >> Configuration
Enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2
  1. Click on General under the General tab
  2. Expand the Single-Store Mode section
  3. Select the β€˜Yes’ from the drop down in Enable Single-Store Mode
Enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2

Click on Save Config to apply changes.

Note: Clear the Magento cache to view the changes.

Wrap Up

You should strive for simplicity when running an ecommerce store. If you are not operating in multiple countries and in languages, you do not need multiple store views.

In this quick tutorial, we learn how to enable Single Store Mode in Magento 2. If you encounter any issue, please leave it in the comments section.

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