How to Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2?

How to Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2

Are you looking to create Coupon Codes in Magento 2?

Coupon Codes is a string of text (alphanumeric, numeric or alphabetical) that can be applied to the product and it performs an action. The action is typically reducing the price of the product.

Marketing teams use Coupon Codes to promote the product during sales season.

With Magento, you can create Coupon Code without installing the Magento extension.

In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to create Coupon Code in Magento 2.

Coupons Codes in eCommerce

Coupons are always used as a marketing tactic in business. It improved the customer loyalty, and increased the repeat purchase.

With digital stores, the Coupon codes are used in more than one way.

Best ways to use Coupons:

Abandoned cart coupons: When someone adds the product to the Cart but does not buy the product. You can send them a coupon to sweeten the deal and convert them.

Monthly or weekly deals: Monthly or Weekly newsletter cna contain deals on the products that are getting outdated and going to expire. You would like to clean your inventory, and coupons are the best way to make it a fantastic deal.

Referral coupons: When someone refers your website and product to their friends and family, they can share the referral coupons. Both ends of parties will get the benefit of such engagement.

Retargeted ads: You can run ads and show the Coupon code to the new website Visitors. It will increase the chances of them returning and making the purchase.

Newsletter signups: When someone subscribes to a newsletter, it means they are impressed by your product and content. It is the best time to send them a Coupon code as a gift. The chances of conversion are higher.

Exit discounts: When the users are closing the tab of your website, you can show them the pop up with Coupon code. This will intrigue them to browse and purchase the product.

Influencer campaigns: Doing influencer marketing? How will you determine that influencers are sending the sales towards your Magento store. Use the Coupon. It will help influencers to sell easily, and the marketing team will determine the attribution accurately.

Specific Coupon and Bulk Coupon

You can create two types of Coupon Codes in Magento 2.

Specific Coupons: Single code Coupon to be used for specific purposes. You can distribute the Coupon and anyone can use it. Though you can assign the number of times it can be redeemed. This is the type of Coupon used in Happy New Year, XMas and various sales.

Bulk Coupon: Bulk Coupon is a way to create many coupons at once. If you need 100s and 1000s of coupons at once, you would not go creating themes one by one. Add the common characteristics, and Magento will generate the Coupons. Bulk Coupons are used when you are sending different Coupons to different customers. For example in email marketing.

How to Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2?

#1 Create an Specific Coupon

Follow the steps to create an Specific Coupon:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules

You have to add the Cart Price Rules information on the page.

Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2
  • Coupon Field: Set Specific Coupon
  • Coupon Code: The text string to be used as coupon code
  • Uses per Coupon: The number of times the Coupon can be redeemed. To be used when running campaigns like – only 50 Coupons, for first 50 users etc. Leave it blank for unlimited usage.
  • From to To: Add the starting and last date of Coupon working.

And done. Go to frontend and check whether the Coupon Code is working.

#2 Create Bulk Coupons

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules
Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2
  1. Checkmark the Use Auto Generation checkbox below the Coupon Code box
  2. Add the number of time a Coupon Code can be uses in User per Coupon
  3. Add the number of time a Coupon Code can be used by a Customer in Uses per Customer
  4. Set the First and last day of Coupon
  5. Scroll to the Manage Coupon Code section 
Create Coupon Codes in Magento 2
  • Coupon Qty: Total number of Coupon to be generated
  • Code Length: Length of the Coupon Code. Excludes the prefix, suffix and dash
  • Code Format: Alphanumeric/Alphabetic/Numeric
  • Code Prefix: Any Prefix to use for Coupon Code. For example: Eid-, XMAS- HNY-
  • Code Suffix: Suffix to use for Coupon Code. For example: -55OFF, -POTTER, -HIMYM
  • Dash Every X Characters

Then you click on the Generate button. And it will create multiple coupons. You can find all the Coupons in the table and edit their Starting and Expiration date.

Wrap Up

Coupon Codes are a fantastic way to bring sales, but it should be used wisely. Customers may get addicted to the Coupon and find the normal rates too much.

I hope this article helped you to learn how to create Coupon Codes in Magento 2. If you encounter any issue, please feel free to leave it in the comment.

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