How to Create a New Store View in Magento 2?

Create a New Store View

Are you looking to create a New Store View in Magento 2?

Magento 2 is a powerful ecommerce platform with plenty of features to help you run your business. One feature is having multiple store views in a single store.

You can create multiple store views, stores and websites that can be managed through one admin panel.

In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to create new store views in Magento 2.

What is the Store View in Magento 2?

Every Magento store opens according to a specific view. In the beginning, the store had a single default view. Additional store views can be added for different languages, products, and purposes.

Store views create the variation of the same store in multiple languages – that the users can pick from the header.

You do not need to install a Magento extension to change the languages. There is no requirement to install a Magento theme to change the store view.

All the configuration is inbuilt. Let’s see.

How to Create a New Store View in Magento 2?

Follow the steps to create a new store view in Magento 2:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Settings > All stores
Create a New Store View in Magento 2

The next page contains all the store views of the Magento store.

Create a New Store View in Magento 2
  1. Click the Create Store View button to create a new Store View
Create a New Store View in Magento 2

Complete the information to create a new Store View.

  • Store: The store the newly created view will be assigned to
  • Name: The name of the Store View
  • Code: Add a Code to the Store View which will be used in the URLs
  • Status: Set the status Enabled. You can disable it when you like to close the view
  • Sort Order: Define the position of the store view in a list of  Magento store views
Create a New Store View in Magento 2

Fill all the boxes and click the Save button.

  1. Setting the Language for the Store View

The new Store View is created with the Russian as code and name. However, the language of the store view is still English. 

It has to be changed from the setting.

  1. Navigate to Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration and switch to the store view you want to set the language for.
Create a New Store View in Magento 2
  1. In the General > Locale Options section set the Locale (language) for the store view.
Create a New Store View in Magento 2
  1. Run the CLI command to reindex the Magento store

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

That’s it. A new Magento store View with the Russian language is ready.

Wrap Up

Multiple Store views allow you to serve the customized version of the store. If the user is in France, they can browse the store in French language, and so on and so.

In this tutorial, we learn to create a new store view in Magento 2 and change the store view language. If you encounter any issue, feel free to comment.

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