How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress

Add Social Media Icons to WordPress

Are you looking for ways to add Social Media Icons to WordPress?

Adding Social Media Icons is an excellent way to connect your social media with your WordPress site. 

These social media icons can work as a bridge to your social media accounts. Any visitor willing to find you on another medium can do so then.

You should add an option RSS Feed Subscription on your blog with social media.

Theme InBuilt Social Media Option

Most of the time themes do have Social Media Icon option inbuilt. All the popular and new themes offer this option.

But, if your theme does not have the inbuilt option, there is no need to worry.

I am going to tell how to add social media icons to the WordPress Blog.

How to Add Social Media Icons to WordPress

First of all, go to the WordPress Plugin Repository, and install any social icon plugin. 

You can read how to install the WordPress plugin here.

Social Media Icons Plugins

Click on the Appearance after activating the plugin. You can navigate to the Widget page from there.

Widget on Appearance

There you will find the Social Icon Widget.

social icon widget

Drag the Social icon Widget to the Sidebar.

dragging widget to Sidebar

You can make changes as you like in the Widget. 

I am using Social icons Plugin here as an example. You can use whichever you like.

social icons interface

You can drag the Social Media Icon Widget to the Footer section. 

social media icon widget to footer

Save it and see the changes in the front end.

Wrapping Up

Keeping the social media and blog connected to each other is a smart strategy in terms of cultivating a following.

For that, you need to show your social media account on your blog. So visitors can follow you on their favorite SM.

Which is the Best Social Media Icons Plugin?

Simple Social Icons, Social icons, and Easy Social Icons are amazing plugins that work great on every theme.

I hope this article helps you in sticking the social media icons on your WordPress blog.

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