How to Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2?

How to Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Are you looking to create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2?

Marketing team uses coupons and discount campaigns to boost sales. Magento is a powerful ecommerce platform that comes with plenty of useful features. 

One feature is creating cart price rules that determine the range of discounts.

In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2.

What is the Cart Price Rule?

Cart Price Rule is a way to assign rules to trigger discount coupons for the customers. Coupons are an excellent way to promote products and increase sales. But you do not want your customers to get accustomed to Coupons.

Using Cart Price Rules, you can determine when and how the Coupons and Discounts will be applied. 

The store admin can create a Coupon code, and when that Code is submitted to the box, the Cart price will change. You have to set up the Cart Price Rule that will be triggered when the Coupon will be submitted. It will trigger the action – that is applying the discounts.

How to Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Follow the steps to create a cart Price Rule in Magento 2:

#1 Create the New Rule:

  1. Go to Admin Panel, Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rule
Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2
  1. Click on Add New Rule to create a new Rule

#2 Fill the General Information

Fill the General Information on the New Rule page

Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2
  • Rule Name: Name the Rule for references and remember
  • Description: Add the quick subscription so your team member know what this Rule does
  • Active: Active/Deactive option to turn the Rule on/off
  • Websites: On what websites the Rule will be applied
  • Customer Groups: Customer groups to use the Rule
  • Coupon: Applying Rule using the Coupon code. With a text string submitted, the rule will be triggered
  • User per Customer: Number of time the Code can be used by the customers
  • From and To: Time period of the Coupon code to work

#3 Setting the Condition

The Rule is set. But we need a condition to trigger it. Scroll down and expand the Condition tab.

Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Select the condition from the dropdown list. Once the condition is set, you need to assign an action.

#4 Assign an Action

Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Select the Action from the Apply dropdown list. Fill the information required accordingly.

#5 Set the Labels

Create a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2

Enter text in  Default Rule Label for All Store Views and after that setup Store View Specific Labels.

#6 Save the Rule

Click on the Save button to apply the Rule.

That’s it. You created a Cart Price Rule in Magento 2.

Wrap Up

After creating the cart price rule, you can create the coupon codes. Check the frontend if everything is working fine.

Clear the Magento cache and redis cache if the coupons do not work.

I hope this article helped you to create a cart price rule successfully. If you encounter any problem, please leave it in the comment box.

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