Are you looking to configure Magento 2 RSS Feed for Order Status Notification?
Magento 2 is a powerful ecommerce platform, and it comes with an RSS feed option. When enabled, the customer can view the order status notification through the RSS app.
In this quick tutorial, we will learn to configure Magento 2 RSS Feed for Order Status Notification.
Why Magento 2 RSS Feed for Order Status Notification?
There are lots of customers who use RSS Readers to read blogs, articles and receive various alerts.
As a professional, you must constantly update your information – learning new tech, innovations, experiments, studies, cases, and industry news. Sometimes the website’s lists run in the 100s.
RSS readers reduce the noise, and one can quickly read the articles and updates. The RSS Feed also allows customers to see the order status from the reader.
For that, you have to add the RSS Feed link to the reader.
Configure Magento 2 RSS Feed for Order Status Notification
Follow the steps to configure Magento 2 RSS Feed for Order Status Notification:
- Log in to Magento 2 admin dashboard
- Navigate to Store > Setting > Configuration
- Find the RSS Feeds option under Catalog
- Expand the RSS Config section
- Enable RSS feed through the drop down button
- Click on the Save Configuration to apply changes
If the changes are not displayed, flush Magento 2 cache to update the Magento store.
Wrap Up
With RSS Feed for Order Status Notification, customers can quickly learn the order status. Once enabled, a link will be displayed on the page when someone makes an order. The link can be added to the RSS reader to view the order status.
In this quick tutorial, we learn to show the RSS Feed link for Order Status Notification for Magento 2. If you encounter any issue, please leave it in comments.