5 Best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions for Better Shopping

Best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions

Are you looking for the best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions?

Magento is an excellent ecommerce platform with plenty of features. It also has a powerful inbuilt shopping cart functionality. But ecommerce market is moving fast and everyday there are new features. Being such a large platform, new features can be easily added to the Magento without proper planning and analysis. But these functions can be added to Magento as extensions.

So we will be looking at the best Magento 2 shopping cart extensions in this article that makes the shopping more immersive.

Best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions

Here are the best Magento 2 Shopping Cart extensions to add a shopping cart extension to the store.

  1. Magento 2 Ajax Add to Cart Pop-up by WeltPixel
  2. AJAX Shopping Cart for Magento 2 by Amasty
  3. Magento 2 Save Cart Pro by MageComp
  4. Save Cart Extension for Magento 2 by CMSMart
  5. Magento Ajax Cart by Plumrocket

#1 Magento 2 Ajax Add to Cart Pop-up by WeltPixel

The WeltPixel Quick View Extension is the simplest and easiest of all the quick view extensions. Once you have installed the extension, a ‘Quick View’ button is automatically added to all the products on your store page. You also have the option to enable quick view for mobile devices. Free and with many features, it is certainly a great option.

 Best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions Magento 2 Ajax Add to Cart Pop-up by WeltPixel

Features of Magento 2 Ajax Add to Cart Pop-up by WeltPixel:

  • Select Quick view button style
  • Ability to enable/disable Go to Product button from quickview
  • Enable/disable Auto Scroll to top
  • Pop up close on background click
  • Add quick view functionality to any button in your website and link specific products
  • Display Quick View on mobile

Pricing: Free version available

#2 AJAX Shopping Cart for Magento 2 by Amasty

AJAX Shopping Cart is yet another Magento extension to set up a quick shopping cart for your products easily. The extension offers you features such as cross selling which is a great way to display the related products at the final page of purchase.

AJAX Shopping Cart for Magento 2 by Amasty

Features of AJAX Shopping Cart for Magento 2 by Amasty:

  • Ajax cart pop up in style
  • Better store performance with ajax
  • Custom options and configurable product support
  • Cross selling of the products
  • Hyva ready cart extension

Pricing: Starting from $219

#3 Magento 2 Save Cart Pro by MageComp

Save Cart pro enables customers to easily save the product in a cart and assign a name to it. They can share the cart link to friends and families. And if the customer does not have the time to buy, the product list is saved to the account, so they can access it from anywhere.

Best Magento 2 Shopping Cart Extensions Magento 2 Save Cart Pro by MageComp

Features of Magento 2 Save Cart Pro by MageComp:

  • Save cart for later purchase functionality
  • Customer can assign a unique name to the cart and save it
  • All the carts saved to My Account
  • Update save dcart by adding and deleting the products
  • Inventory is integrated with the product in the cart

Pricing: Starting from $139

#4 Save Cart Extension for Magento 2 by CMSMart

Magento 2 Save Cart is a useful extension for every type of ecommerce store which will save all shoppers’ cart item information to assist them in their next purchases. Guests can save the products to a list and share them with friends. Save cart helps in improving conversion and retention.

Save Cart Extension for Magento 2 by CMSMart

Features of Save Cart Extension for Magento 2 by CMSMart:

  • Enable saving the cater for late purchase
  • Can add name to the cart
  • Manage the car in the account section
  • Design cart and share button
  • Share shopping cart via link
  • Use Add to Cart without an account
  • Pop up cart

Pricing: Quote based pricing.

#5 Magento 2 Ajax Cart by Plumrocket

Magento 2 ajax add to cart extension is a great way to speed up the shopping process for your customers. With this extension, they can add products to a mini shopping cart without having to reload the page every time. This can help increase sales and make the shopping experience more enjoyable for your customers!

Magento 2 Ajax Cart by Plumrocket

Features of Magento Ajax Cart by Plumrocket:

  • Add product to cart directly from the category pages
  • Support all product types including Simple, Grouped, Configurable and more
  • Support cross selling products and related products
  • Integration with native Magento wishlist functions
  • Can change button design, colors and more

Pricing: Starting from $118

What to look for in Shopping Cart Extensions?

There are many shopping cart extensions for Magento 2.

So I asked around Magento store owners and researched several important features of the shopping cart. You can analyze your requirements, and make feature lists that would be useful for your store. The Magento 2 extension that has those features is your extension.

Price Rule: Shopping cart is the place where customers look at the price. You can set up Magento 2 cart price rules for each store view to offer different promotions for customers from various markets.

Quick View: Quick view enables the customers to preview the product images and details without moving to the product page. A quick glance at the product speeds up the product research process for the customers and adds up to a smooth browsing experience. 

Cart Pop Up: Cart Pop Up speeds up the check out process. The person does not have to leave the page to see the acrt. They can quickly see all the products in their cart, remove them and add more, while looking at the price.

Cross Promotion: Cart page is a place where the customers come when they are ready to buy the product. They are in the purchasing mind. It is a great place to advertise your product. You can show the discount they will get if they add one more product to cart.

Save Products: All the products saved by the customer should be added to the customer account automatically. If the customer is not logged in, the added products should be moved to the account when the user logs in. The customer may add the product cart one day and buy them later.

Product Types: The cart should support all the Magento product types including digitally downloadable products. 

Cart Link: Ability to share the cart is also important for many customers. They can share the link of the cart and products within it with their friends and family.

End Note

The shopping cart experience could prove to be a game changer for the conversion. At last, it is the stage where the user decides to proceed to checkout, or remove all the product from the cart. You should try to avoid all the resistance and remove any cognitive load to ensure the smooth shopping cart operation.

This quick article lists all the best shopping cart extensions for Magento 2. If you want to add your extension and or want to share your thoughts, please comment it down.

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